Please review the following FACET policies on peer review:
Peer review is a process, not an event.
No peer reviews will be done in support of a faculty member’s third-year review, promotion and/or tenure the semester before, or the semester in which, the dossier is due to the SRC.
Peer Reviews are not conducted in the summer.
Peer Reviews are only conducted at your request.
There are two types of peer review: Summative and Formative.
Summative Reviews
Summative reviews are sent to both the faculty member and an identified administrative person (or persons) and can be included in dossiers. Reviewers understand that their report may be used when making personnel decisions.
Formative Reviews
Formative reviews are the confidential property of the faculty member and should only be summarized in the faculty member’s dossier.
Suggested Timeline
Internal Formal Formative Review
Someone from your department or school should perform a basic review to insure minimal school/department expectations are being met and that you are being supported.
Perform a self-analysis to determine particular areas of teaching concern or focus (e.g., in-class group work).
The product of your self-analysis will be used in Year Two (below).
Request your Peer Review during the spring semester for year two.
Formal Formative Peer Review
Use your self-analysis (from Year One, above) to provide focus when completing the peer review request form, and for the review in general.
Initial meeting with reviewer, where goals for the review will be discussed and the timeline for the classroom visits and follow-up meetings established.
A student focus group is recommended for those wishing to learn how students feel about a specific topic.
Making Use of Peer Review
Develop one or more interventions (to be used in a subsequent semester) based on your conversation with the reviewer regarding the recommendations and suggestions.
Also develop a plan for gauging the success of the intervention(s).
Fallback Position
Request “Formal Formative Peer Review” for Year Two, Spring semester.
Make Use of Interventions
Make use of the interventions developed in fall semester and assess the effects on learning, etc.
Document the process to show growth. The documentation can be used in annual reports, etc.
Follow-up Meeting with Reviewer
If necessary, or if interested, you may another meeting with your reviewer to discuss how the class has changed.
Fallback Position
Do “Formal Formative Peer Review” this semester, if it could not be done during fall semester.
Make Use of Interventions
Attempt to use any additional interventions not tried, or modified from spring semester of year two.
Document the results of the interventions attempted during this semester.
If you choose, the peer review process, including intervention successes and/or failures, may be summarized in your third-year review or promotion/tenure dossier.
Fallback Position
If “Formal Formative Peer Review” was done during spring semester of year two, then use this semester to “Make Use of Interventions” as described above.
Additional Notes
Keep in mind the rhythm of the semester when requesting your review—beginning and ending of the semester are never appropriate—so you know there is enough time to accomplish your goals and complete the review process.
According to 2010 Faculty Manual (B-11; 2.; page 28): The third year review will normally be completed in the spring of the semester of the third year of probationary service, and no later than two years prior to the year in which the tenure/promotion process is initiated.
By March 1 of the review year, the faculty member will submit a mini-dossier to the School Review Committee. The mini-dossier will follow the model specified by the Indiana University Southeast Faculty Manual, Section B.14.3.
Contact Us
For more information about FACET, contact the ILTE office by calling (812) 941-2506 or by email at