The Disability Services Coordinator (DSC) assists academically qualified students with documented disabilities in getting the appropriate accommodations they need in order to have equal opportunities during their college experiences. The coordinator acts as a liaison and helps to ensure good communication between faculty and students. Any questions about accommodating a student or verifying a disability should be directed to the coordinator. Information regarding availability of services for students with disabilities should be included on all syllabi. A sample syllabus statement follows:
Disability Services
Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must first contact the Disability Services Coordinator (UC207; (812) 941-2243).
Information regarding disabilities is strictly confidential between the student and the Disability Services Coordinator. The Disability Services Coordinator can relay information to faculty only when given permission by the student, and only what the professor needs to know in order to meet the students’ needs.
If a faculty member does not have official notice of accommodations from the DSC and a student requests an accommodation, the student should be referred to the DSC—accommodation is not to be provided without approval by the DSC. Providing an accommodation for a student who does not have documentation creates problems for that student, other students, the professor and the institution.