Policies for Compensation
Appointment Dates
Adjunct faculty members are appointed on a semester-by-semester basis. Appointments for the fall semester begin officially on August 1 and end on December 31. Appointments for the spring semester begin officially on January 1 and end on May 31.
Appointments for the summer sessions begin on the first day of classes and end on the day on which final grades are due. Resignations or terminations prior to the above termination dates shall result in proration of pay and fringe benefits, as determined by the payroll department.
Pay Dates
University employees are usually paid on the following schedule:
Part-time faculty members are employed on a semester basis and are paid five times per semester.
Paycheck stubs are only available electronically through OneStart. Faculty members must have their paychecks deposited directly to financial institution of their choice. Forms for this purpose are available in the Office of Human Resources. Any questions regarding gross pay, deductions, fringe benefits, or net pay should be directed to Human Resources.