For the safety and security of all concerned, faculty members should report all accidents, injuries, acts of vandalism or threats of harm to persons or property promptly to the University Police, UC 027, ext. 2400.
Firearms Prohibitions
Unauthorized firearms, weapons, ammunition, explosives, and other items that the campus police consider to be dangerous are prohibited on university premises and at IU events. This policy includes activities such as introducing, possessing, using, buying or selling firearms even with a valid state firearms permit. Only law enforcement officers and others, in exceptional circumstances, who have prior approval by the police chief, are authorized to carry a firearm. This prohibition extends to all University-controlled sites where University employees are working or University-directed activities are being held. For additional information on this policy, refer to the IU Personnel Policies for Professional Staff and Support Staff.
Alcohol & Drug-Free Campus
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance (usually referred to as illegal drugs listed under the federal Controlled Substances Act) and alcohol is prohibited on University property or in the course of a University activity except at specifically authorized events. The complete University policy on this subject is available in the IU Personnel Policies for Professional Staff and Support Staff.
Tobacco-Free Campus
Effective July 1, 2007, tobacco (all types) is strictly prohibited on all University grounds and University-owned or leased buildings to include offices, hallways, lounges, rest rooms, elevators, classrooms, meeting rooms, dining areas and all community areas. Tobacco is permitted only in one’s personal vehicle (University-owned or leased automobiles remain tobacco-free). This policy applies to all employees, students and visitors. The complete University policy on this subject is available in the Office of Human Resources.
Building Security
Normally, campus buildings will be open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. during the period of time when classes are in session. On weekends and days which classes are not in session, buildings will normally be locked at 6 p.m. In the interest of security, buildings may be closed earlier in the event that scheduled activities terminate at an earlier time or there are no scheduled activities. Buildings will remain closed and locked until 7 a.m. of the day on which regular scheduled activities resume. The Activities Building, the Library, and Student Computing Labs will be open in accordance with the schedules established by those departments. Copies of those schedules are to be sent to the University Police Department. If a building must be open for a specific University-sanctioned event, the University Police Department should be notified at least 48 hours in advance. All buildings will be closed and locked on holidays and other announced days that the campus is officially closed.