The services of the campus and university research offices are available to adjunct faculty members. These include assistance in locating sources of external funds, advice in the preparation of grant proposals, and the post-award fiscal administration of grants.
Financial assistance is available in the form of grants-in-aid and summer faculty fellowships. Faculty members are encouraged to incorporate undergraduate students into research projects as assistants and collaborators. Funding is available for this purpose from campus and university sources; inquiries and requests should be directed to the dean for research. Any faculty or staff member who is contemplating application for a grant from a government agency or a private foundation should first contact the dean for research. No grant proposal, including preliminary proposals, should be sent by an individual faculty or staff member directly to an agency or foundation. Such proposals must be sent by the dean for research to Sponsored Research Services (SRS) in Bloomington and must be accompanied by forms signed by administrators on this campus. Failure to comply may result in the refusal of the university to accept an award.
Further information on research support and policies relating to research and creative activities can be found in the IU Southeast Research Policy Manual.
Library resources, including professional journals, are (or can be made) available. Although the campus library is not designed to be a research library, a central reference and distribution system and a number of interlibrary loan programs make it possible for faculty members to get needed reference works with considerable ease. For assistance, see one of the reference librarians. The dean for research can also provide assistance in locating sources of support within the IU System and from government agencies and private foundations. Limited assistance with grant writing may also be available.